
Reiki Sessions

In this hurried world, you can give yourself the gift of slowing down, relaxing, and connecting to your calm centre.

In a Reiki session, healing Universal life-force energy flows to you through gentle hand placement on various areas of your head and body.

Reiki connects with all levels of your being - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It opens a door to connect you with your Inner wisdom.

Reiki Session : $100/hr
Special Intensive Package 4-1hr sessions in 1 month: $360

                                                     Reiki Classes

Learning Reiki is a simple yet effective way to help yourself bring more healing into your life.  During the class, you receive attunements to Reiki so you can give Reiki to yourself or others.  You also learn the history, lineage and precepts of Reiki.  There is practice time for self-treatment and treatment of others.


Rashné is a Reiki Master of the Usui Shiki Ryoho system. She received her training for first degree Reiki in 2000, second degree Reiki in 2001, and was initiated as a Reiki Master in 2005.  Lineage: Usui - Hyashi - Takata - Furomoto - Sutherland

She is also a certified Yoga teacher-Integrative Yoga Therapy

Emerging Light Healing Centre

289-260-1868 ~ rashne@cogeco.ca